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56 Growth enables your organization to focus on your core business. We apply technology, lean concepts and proven playbooks to assist your organization to achieve its best!

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/kənˈsəltiNG/ • adjective

Engaged in the business of giving expert advice to people working in a professional or technical field. "A consulting engineer“

56 Growth Group is not your typical consulting group! We combine expertise and technology with true real-world experience to solve problems on and in real time.


What We Can Do



We examine what organizations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, and which ones are doing it best. We then strategize using smart tools and global resources in order to understand the implications of every choice our clients can make. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.



Core Business Re-Imagined

Re-energize your operations and transform your organization’s capabilities with Artificial Intelligence, cloud solutions, cognitive, data, and other advanced solutions, backed by deep insights and practical applications. Our plan is to help your organization sustainably both in the short term and long term.

Customer Centric Business Development
Pursuing strategic opportunities for your business or organization, we assist by cultivating partnerships or other commercial relationships or identifying new markets for its products or services.



Human Resources & Healthcare Management

Increasing the health of an organization and its employees while at the same time creating transparency and control which will reduce costs is our mantra, plus it is an achievable goal.

Operations Management
Pursuing strategic opportunities for your business or organization, we assist by cultivating partnerships or other commercial relationships. Optimizing systems, lean manufacturing or six sigma.

Warehousing and Logistics Management 
Warehousing is a key component of logistics management and how businesses manage the transportation and storage of their inventories. Warehousing and logistics must be aligned within a firm to have the most efficient effect on overall manufacturing production.



Cyber and Physical Security

Assessing your cyber and physical doorways is critical and on-going. We evaluate your cyber and physical security needs and implement the right solutions with the right partners.

Critical Communications and Notification
Implementing a plan to protect your company is another pillar of success. We will review and advise of the right communications platform and solution offerings cost effectively. Voice Over IP (VOIP) and Mass Notification are integral to campus communications.

Enterprise Technology, IoT, Analytics & Blockchain
Our IT and technology professionals are experienced industry leaders in guiding organizations through the end-to-end experience of enterprise technology transformation from building a digital fortress of protection to upgrading your line of business platforms. We will ensure the highest ROI on new solutions.



Messaging, Social Media and Monitoring

Marketing has evolved to become a core business function that’s essential to growth and success. Our process helps balance and integrate a complex range of tasks that include great content, digital innovation, customer service and experience.


No matter the company, the right message and visual image is extremely important and necessary in the changing marketplace. We can deliver monitoring solutions for all your needs remotely – online, virtual, cyber and physical security.



New and Incremental Financings, Refinances, and Restructurings, Workout Assistance

Establishing and securing the proper financial and capital structure with the optimal banking partner is an important factor to help ensure the success of your company.


The appropriate capital structure with the optimal banking partner is critical to an organization’s ability to not only support current operations but also provide the needed flexibility and capacity to handle future growth  (both organic and acquisition) as well as navigate through challenging times.

Does your company need our services?

Message us today to learn more about how we can help you!


Meet the Team


Contact Us

56 Growth Group

24500 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 300

Beachwood, Ohio 44122

(440) 999-5420

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